Open your Fray Check and stick your straight pin in the noozle to make sure it's clear. You
should'nt have to do this with every plug but it's a good idea to keep the pin nearby just in case.
Put a drop of Fray Check on your double knot. This should keep the knot from coming out and
your plug from pulling lose from the head.
Wipe any excess Fray Check off your double knot.
Pull your plug back out the top of the head till the knot touches the inside of the head.
Repeat this with each hole in the head. If you're working with a fresh head I suggest planning your hairstyle ahead of
time and then mapping each line of hair to match your style. Just draw a faint line where you want the line of hair to
Soon your head will start to look like this. Once I'm done rooting a head, I wash the hair
with either shampoo or fabric soap. When it's dry, I pull it back with a small rubber band, spray seal the
face with Mr. Super Clear and give it to Laura for painting. When she's done painting, it gets a second coat of MSC,
then the hair is washed again just in case any sealer got on it. Then it maybe cut and boil set.
Good luck with your projects,
Have fun folks,