Warlord's Keep

ZC Kelly and the Eve body in Review

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Hello folks,
First I want to thank the folks at Cal-Tek and ZC for sending us a preview copy of Kelly to do this review. I honestly haven't done a lot of reviews but I hope this one is helpful. I'm going to use a 1 to 10 scale to show what I think of issues and items from the Eve body and Kelly's Head sculpt and gear.

1, Before I even opened the box I wanted to see if ZC has taken time to make it pleasing to the eye and sturdy enough that nothing would get broken. The box has nice art and pictures of Kelly. The build is the in the norm of the industry card board and formed plastic for protection. I gave it a +8

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2, Kelly's Head sculpt is as many people have already noticed. It's just a little small. Also something I noticed is her face looks like a decal and not painted. Still a little better than the faces on Cat or Rose imho.
Here she is with our Mystik and a Bloody Rose as comparison. +5

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3, There were some issues with the hands on one of the ZC Roses we got. First the wrist pins on Rose were two different colors and second one was glued in and broke when I went to pull her hands off. I did not have these problems with Kelly at all. Nothing broke taking her hands off and the wrist pins match her skin tone.+8

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4, Kelly's bootfeet are interchangeable with other female bootfeet. I tried Kelly's bootfeet on one of our PB bodies and a 2.0 body and they fit fine. I also tried a pair of our bootfeet on Kelly and had no problems. Also I had none of the breakage problems that some of the ZC girls have had in the past. I even got Kelly's bootfeet stuck on a pair of 2.0 ankle sockets and had to use a pair of pliers to get the sockets out of the boots. I was happy to see nothing broke. +10

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5,Vinyl body stains, When I took Kelly's shorts off she had some small stains on her hips. Nothing a magic eraser wouldn't take off though. I've seen the same problem on all the DID Willi Baver's we got in. Still I feel it's not a good thing for a brand new figure. +1

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6, Removable Arms, I really like this idea. For those like me with huge fingers, lacing and unlacing those little eyelets is a problem. I have a trick to get past this but with the Eve body I didn't have to mess with it. I just loosened her laces a little and pulled her arms out. The top came off very easy. +9

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7, Head removal, I found that taking Kelly's head off to change the torso out was very easy. But still didn't have a problem with her head falling off. +9
Here is a pic of Kelly's head on a Cool Girl body.

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8, Two Part Soft Torso, another upgrade I liked. The soft torso idea is very nice to work with. Kelly's breasts have been "highlighted" but I can see where people are going to be blushing these torsos. I gave it a +9

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