Warlord's Keep

Paul's Tower

Warlord's Keep
In Loving Memory of Paul
Hippity Hop to Carebears Candy Shop
ZC Kelly and the Eve body in Review
Laura's Studio
The many faces of Fred
Our Mistress of the Night, Mystik
Alittle bit of Kaylee
The Fire Queen
Kraus, Lord of the Thalin Clan Drow
Marna Moonmaiden
Paul's Tower
Make Contact
Past Designs
Past Designs II
Custom Figures
The Barn
Morgan's Marauders
More Marauders
More Marauders page 2
The Bot Shop
Da Motor Pool
The Bike Shop
Midwest Meet
Crew goes on vacation
International Hobby Expo
2007 OSF Expo
2009 Chicago Joe show
Keep Friends
The spy hole
The Salon ... or Rerooting Hair
More Tutorials
New 60cm outfits
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Welcome to Paul's Tower

I plan on using this page to put up some of my personal collection. I'll try to change the pictures from time to time.

Jake and Joanna Morgan. Two main members of Morgan's Marauders
My custom Jih roh
My Scar Predator
My Celtic Predator

This is something I've wanted to bring up for awhile. Having a wife the collects and customizes Ball jointed dolls I often wonder, will our hobby ever catch up with them as far as design goes? I see BJD's with three times the acticulation our figures have, Magnetic faceplates,(so you could go from straight face to smiles, winks etc...) ears,( for those that want fantasy figures such as elves) in our hobby this would be a nice addition for adding those small earphones all the operator's use. Magnetic wrist joints, Heck with the right design you could even change the hair style. I'm talking molded hair not just wigs. Look at what Hot toys did with one of the Predators. The same thing could be done with any figure they make.
All heads should be eyehole heads not just a select few.
Multi-part heads even at 1/6th scale would not be a hard thing to do. Magnetic joints and stands are much better than what we deal with now. multi part torsos, ( and I don't mean two or three parts, I mean more like six to eight) should'nt be a hard thing to design.
I just think that our figures could have such a larger range of personalizing than what we have now.
The funny thing about all this is the fact that I posted this in a major forum recently. 200+ people read it and did not reply. But in six months someone else will do one of the things I have mentioned here and the same 200+ people will say, "WOW what a great idea!".
Think about it.

Rocky In ZMDC commander armor.
This armor is in line for a custom paint job.
Jake Morgan's new look
Click on picture to veiw larger image

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